Antigens and antibodies for immunodiagnosis

This project involves development of expression systems for antigens and antibodies production, isolation of synthetic antibodies for detection of pathogens and molecular markers for cancer and characterization of the mechanism of antigen-antibody interactions.

Ribosome biogenesis and RNA processing in Trypanosomatids

Trypanosomatids possess several specific features compared to other eukaryotes, as for example differences in ribosome structure and specific mechanisms for RNA processing. In order to contribute to the understanding of the trypanosomatid-specific mechanisms, we investigate the structure and function of trypanosomatid ribonucleases, which are involved in the processing of different types of RNA and we aim at the characterization of the mechanism of ribosome synthesis by determining the composition and structure of pre-ribosomal complexes. This project comprises structural studies, functional assays in vitro and phenotypic characterization of T. brucei mutants generated by RNA interference.

Trypanosomatid protein synthesis machinery

The components and interaction pattern of translation factors from Trypanosomatid parasites display important differences relative to their hosts. This project aims to characterize these differences from a structural and molecular point of view, in order to identify new potential targets for the development of inhibitors that selectively act on the parasites without affecting protein synthesis in host cells. This project is carried out in collaboration with the Laboratory of Regulation of Gene Expression of Carlos Chagas Institute – Fiocruz, with the Department of Microbiology of Aggeu Magalhães Institute-Fiocruz and with the Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry of the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

Antiparasitic drug discovery in epigenetics

Chromatin modifying proteins are essential for a variety of processes and have a direct impact on transcription and DNA repair and metabolism. This project involves characterization and validation of Trypanosoma cruzi histone modifying enzymes as targets for the development of novel inhibitors against this parasite.